Monday, February 9, 2009

Special Thanks

Like any proper game ending, I have a list of weird names to read off! Huge thanks go to the following ladies and/or gentlemen:

  • Rei, official #1 fan of 128marios, whose promotional efforts and support have been invaluable to the site.

  • Max, Deebee, and everyone else who commented on the procession of Marios via the inter-net. Without your support, I never would have made it this far.

  • My parents, for being enthusiastic and supportive of the site as opposed to insisting I simply "mind my studies". Also for creating me, I guess.

  • My brother, for his continuing enthusiasm and also for suggesting a few of the more popular Marios.

  • Shigeru Miyamoto, without whom none of us would be here.
And last but not least...
  • Myself, for doing all of the actual work!